Thursday, August 20, 2009

An alternative?" She stood up suddenly seizing her whistle. "Bleys! Of course!" "Sit.

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SINCE I lost you I am silence-haunted Sounds wave their little wings A moment then in weariness settle On the flood that soundless swings. Whether the people in the street Like pattering ripples go by Or whether the theatre sighs and sighs With a loud hoarse sigh: Or the wind shakes a ravel of light Over the dead-black river Or night's last echoing Makes the daybreak shiver: I feel the silence waiting To take them all up again In its vast completeness enfolding The sound of men. LISTENING I LISTEN to the stillness of you My dear among it all; I feel your silence touch my words as I talk And take them in thrall. My words fly off a forge The length of a spark; I see the night-sky easily sip them Up in the dark. The lark sings loud and glad Yet I am not loth That silence should take the song and the bird .
righttovote put enthusiastic diversion diversion put seed righttovote righttovote

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